Scholia Reviews ns 9 (2000)

00-01mac: Anne Mackay (ed.), Signs of Orality. (Barry Powell)
00-02mar: Marie C. Marianetti (tr.), Aristophanes: Clouds, an Annotated Translation. (Thomas Talboy)
00-03cal: 'Sed serviendum officio' (Review Article on the Correspondence of Wilamowitz by B. Kytzler)
00-04kov: David Kovacs (ed. & tr.), Euripides: Suppliant Women, Electra, Heracles. (Elke Steinmeyer)
00-05mel: Ronald Mellor, The Roman Historians. (Craige Champion)
00-06mit: Stephen Mitchell & Marc Waelkens, Pisidian Antioch. (Marc Kleijwegt)
00-07gre: Farouk Grewing (ed.), Totus notus in orbe: Perspektiven der Martial-Interpretation. (Robert Colton)
00-08bur: Stanley M. Burstein (ed.), Ancient African Civilizations (John Hilton)
00-09hop: Keith Hopwood (ed.), Organized Crime in Antiquity (Denis Saddington)
00-10hei: Richard Heinze (tr. F. Robertson and H. & D. Harvey), Virgil's Epic Technique (William J. Dominik)
00-11sch: Malcolm Schofield, The Stoic Idea of the City (Jessie Maritz)
00-12haw: Anne Haward, Art and the Romans (William J. Dominik)
00-13man: Alessandra Manieri, L'immagine poetica nella teoria degli antichi. Phantasia ed enargeia (André Basson)
00-14ham: J.R. Hamilton (ed.), Plutarch: Alexander (Waldemar Heckel)
00-15lei: Robert Leighton, Sicily before History (Matthew Fitzjohn)
00-16zan: Paul Zanker (tr. Deborah Schneider), Pompeii: Public and Private Life (Anne Mackay)
00-18met: Ernest Metzger (ed.), A Companion to Justinian's Institutes (R.A. Bauman)
00-19bra: Bernd Schneider (ed. and tr.), Sebastian Brant: Fabeln. (Bernhard Kytzler)
00-20hod: A. Trevor Hodge, Ancient Greek France. (Anne Mackay)
00-21mos: Judith Mossman, Wild Justice: A Study of Euripides' Hecuba (Elke Steinmeyer)
00-22pau: Lexica, Lexica . . ., (Review Article on Lexica). (Bernhard Kytzler)
00-23cal: William Calder III and Robert Kirstein (edd.), 'Der Geniale Wildling' (Bernhard Kytzler)
00-24har: Philip Hardie, Alessandro Barchiesi, and Stephen Hinds (edd.), Ovidian Transformations: Essays on Ovid's Metamorphoses and its Reception. (Jo-Marie Claassen)
00-25cla: Jo-Marie Claassen, Displaced Persons (Martin Helzle)
00-26kyt: Bernhard Kytzler (ed.), Eduard Norden: Die römische Literatur (Jörg Rüpke)
00-27tri: Hildegard L. C. Tristram (ed.), New Methods in the Research of Epic (Richard Whitaker)
00-28for: Gary Forsythe, Livy and Early Rome (Alex Nice)
00-29swa: Simon Swain, Hellenism and Empire (John Atkinson)
00-30pur: CLASSICAL CIVILIZATION TEXTBOOKS: John Purkis, Greek Civilization; Paula James, Roman Civilization (D. P. M. Weerakkody)
00-31han: Morgens Hansen, Athenian Democracy (John Atkinson)
00-32war: David Wardle, Valerius Maximus: Memorable Deeds and Sayings Book I (Alex Nice)
00-33qui: Kenneth Quinn, The Catullan Revolution (Rudolph Masciantonio)
00-34woo: Michael Wood, In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great (Joseph M. McCarthy)
00-35saf: Paula Saffire and Pamela Freis, Ancient Greek Alive (Rudolph Masciantonio)
00-36hod: Stephen Hodkinson and Anton Powell, Sparta: New Perspectives (Michael Whitby)
00-37san: Gerald Sandy, The Greek World of Apuleius (Stephen Harrison)
00-38boo: Joan Booth, Catullus to Ovid: Reading Latin Love Elegy (Carol Merriam)
00-40mcl: Kenneth McLeish, Four Greek Plays (Paul Streufert)
00-41kyt: Bernhard Kytzler, Mythologische Frauen der Antike (Betine Van Zyl Smit)
00-42pom: Sarah B. Pomeroy, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan and Jennifer Tolbert Roberts, Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History. (Anton G. Jansen)
00-43swa: Judith Swaddling, The Ancient Olympic Games (Van Zyl Smit)
00-44bar: Alessandro Barchiesi, The Poet and the Prince (Ann Gosling)
00-45kar: Klaus Karttunen, India and the Hellenistic World (Stanley Burstein)
00-46gre: REPRINT: Peter Green, Classical Bearings (Anton Jansen)
00-47pat: John Patterson, Political Life in the City of Rome (Shannon Byrne)
00-48qui: Stephanie Quinn, Why Vergil? (Diana Spencer)
00-49bea: TWO SECOND EDITIONS FROM BCP: Mary Beard and Michael Crawford, Rome in the Late Republic; Warmington, Suetonius: Nero (Shannon Byrne)
00-50chu: Carmen Chuaqui, El text escénico de las Bacantes de Eurípides; El text escénico de las Ranas de Aristófanes (Edmund Cueva)
00-51wel: Derek Welsby, The Kingdom of Kush: The Napatan and Meroitic Empires (Sakkie Cornelius)
00-52bew: Janet Bews, Ian Storey and Martin Boyne (edd.), Celebratio: Thirtieth Anniversary Essays at Trent University (Cecilia Saerens)
00-53wal: Rex E. Wallace (ed.), Res Gestae Divi Augusti (James Holoka)
00-54som: Alan Sommerstein, The Comedies of Aristophanes: Ecclesiazusae (Peter Green)
00-55leh: Yves Lehmann, Varron théologien et philosophe romain. (Clifford Ando)