

Editorial Board

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Publication Policies and Procedures  

ASSAf Terms of Reference and Code of Best Practice


Acta Classica follows the terms of reference and code of best practice for authors, peer reviewers and editors laid down by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). These are available online under the 'Publications' tab at http://www.assaf.org.za 


Peer Review Processs


All full articles and miscellaneous articles published by Acta Classica are subject to a double-blind peer-review process.


Research Focus


Acta Classica welcomes substantial articles (10 000 words maximum but usually about 7000 words) that investigate well-defined problems in all fields of research related to the study of Classical Antiquity. The journal does not publish bibliographies, lists of resources, or survey articles.


Acta Classica also publishes miscellaneous articles (2500 words maximum), review articles (maximum 2500 words), and reviews (1500 words maximum).  




Miscellaneous articles address very precisely defined topics. These may include, but are not restricted to, textual problems, discussions of short or fragmentary texts, and isolated problems of interpretation.


Reviews and Review Articles

Review articles assess substantial books, or a group of books, that are unusually innovative, and situate them clearly in the context of their fields. As in the case of reviews, they analyse and evaluate rather than merely describe the books under consideration.

Acta Classica does not publish unsolicited reviews. Publishers are asked not to send books to the Reviews Editor unless these are specifically requested. A limited number of reviews of books relevant to the study of Classics in South Africa and/or in line with the research interests of South African Classicists are regularly commissioned.

Acta Classica makes its reviews freely available online ahead of the annual print version of the journal. To receive a notification whenever a new review is posted, please send a blank email to this address. On average a dozen reviews are published each year. The reviews editor may be contacted at: jeffrey.murray@uct.ac.za