Scholia Reviews ns 14 (2005)

05-01jon: Peter Jones, Homer's Iliad: A Commentary on Three Translations (Stephen Evans)
05-02mac: Keith Maclennan (ed.), Vergil: Aeneid VI (John Whitehorne)
05-03rho: P. J. Rhodes, Ancient Democracy and Modern Ideology (Richard J. Evans)
05-04lid: Aidan Liddle (ed.), Arrian: Periplus Maris Euxini (Owen Hodkinson)
05-06ste: Peter Stewart, Roman Art: Greece and Rome New Surveys in the Classics 34  (Robert Hannah)
05-07dys: Stephen Dyson, The Roman Countryside (Cristina Rosillo Lopéz)
05-07pom: Sarah B. Pomeroy, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan and Jennifer Tolbert Roberts (edd.), A Brief History of Ancient Greece (Stephen Evans)
05-08lef: Mary Lefkowitz, Greek Gods, Human Lives: What We Can Learn from Myths (Philip Bosman)
05-09sha: D. R. Shackleton Bailey (ed.), Statius: Silvae (Stephen Newmyer)
05-10isa: Benjamin Isaac, The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity (Craige Champion)
05-11win: Martin Winkler (ed.), Gladiator: Film and History (John Hilton)
05-12dav: P. J. Davis, Seneca: Thyestes (Martin Dinter)
05-13mor: James Morwood (ed.), The Teaching of Classics (John Bulwer)
05-14bas: A. F. Basson and W. J. Dominik (edd.), Literature, Art, History (Alex Nice)
05-15hun: Vincent Hunink (ed.), Apuleius of Madauros: Florida (Tom McCreight)
05-16boe: Deborah Boedeker and Kurt Raaflaub, Democracy, Empire, and the Arts in Fifth-Century Athens (Stephen Halliwell)
05-17mes: Lynn Meskell, Private Life in New Kingdom Egypt. (Shizuyo Okada)
05-18sha: D. R. Shackleton Bailey (ed. & tr.), Statius: Thebaid and Achilleid. (Donka Markus)
05-19pal: Ranajit Pal, Non-Jonesian Indology and Alexander (Jan-Mathieu Carbon)
05-20reh: Rush Rehm, The Play of Space (Stanley Ireland)
05-21pla: I. M. Plant, Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome (Owen Hodkinson)
05-22ros: Nathan Rosenstein, Rome at War (David Harthen)
05-23led: Grace M. Ledbetter, Poetics Before Plato (Matthew Wright)
05-24hes: Jon Hesk, Sophocles: Ajax (John Davidson)
05-25nag: Gregory Nagy, Plato's Rhapsody and Homer's Music (S. A. Burgess)
05-26for: Andrew Ford, The Origins of Criticism (Ruth Scodel)
05-27osb: Catherine Osborne, Presocratic Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction (John Collier)
05-28wes: M. L. West, Homeric Hymns / Greek Epic Fragments (Richard Whitaker)
05-29hen: John Henderson, Hortus: The Roman Book of Gardening (Peter O'Neill)
05-30ros: Martha L. Rose, The Staff of Oedipus (D. P. M. Weerakkody)
05-31kov: David Kovacs (ed.), Euripides Vol. IV-VI (John Davidson)
05-32hal: Judith P. Hallett and Marilyn B. Skinner, Roman Sexualities (Segun Ige)
05-33ber: Ludwig Bernays (ed.), Otto Friedrich Gruppe 1804- 1876 (Bernhard Kytzler)
05-34har: Edward M. Harris and Lene Rubinstein (edd.), The Law and the Courts in Ancient Greece (Jan-Mathieu Carbon)
05-35kno: Ortwin Knorr, Verborgene Kunst: Argumentationsstruktur und Buchaufbau in den Satiren des Horaz (Bernhard Kytzler)
05-36gun: E. Gunderson, Declamation, Paternity, and Roman Identity: Authority and the Rhetorical Self (Owen Hodkinson)
05-37hal: Stephen Halliwell, The Aesthetics of Mimesis: Ancient Texts and Modern Problems (Matthew Wright)
05-38cha: NERO: THE SUN-KING: Edward Champlin, Nero (Keith Bradley).
05-39bru: Jacques Brunschwig, Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd, Pierre Pellegrin, and Catherine Porter, A Guide to Greek Thought (Sarah Klitenic Wear)
05-40pos: THE PRINCE AND THE STARS: D. Mark Possanza, Translating the Heavens: Aratus, Germanicus, and the Poetics of Latin Translation. (Emma Gee)
05-41hei: Elizabeth Heimbach, Latin Everywhere, Everyday (Gail Solomons)
05-42dun: Françoise Dunand and Christiane Zivie-Coche (tr. David Lorton), Gods and Men in Egypt: 3000 BCE to (Shizuyo Okada)
05-43gow: Barbara Goward, Telling Tragedy -- Narrative Technique in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides (Betine van Zyl Smit)
05-44mol: Wendy Moleas, The Development of the Greek Language (Stephen Evans)
05-45har: Aideen Hartney, John Chrysostom and the Transformation of the City (Phoebe Makiello)
05-46zim: Maaike Zimmerman and Rudi Van Der Paardt (edd.), Metamorphic Reflections: Essays presented to Ben Hijmans at his 75th Birthday (Costas Panayotakis)
05-47sch: Maria Schneider, Cicero 'Haruspex': Political Prognostication and the Viscera of a Deceased Body Politic (Alex Nice)
05-48van: ENRICHING VIRGIL'S TRADITION: SOME NEW PERSPECTIVES: Gabriella Vanotti, L'altro Enea; Paolo Mazzocchini, Forme e significati della narrazione bellica nell' epos virgiliano; Publio Virgilio Marón (tr. Pagaza), Georgica Primera (Sylvana Gaeta)
05-49gar: Surviving Greek Tragedy. (Betine van Zyl Smit)
05-50ski: Marilyn B. Skinner, Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture (Susan Haskins)