Membership of the Classical Association of South Africa is open to anyone interested in classical antiquity who shares the aims of the Association. Membership of the Association automatically includes membership of a Regional Branch. There are two membership categories: full membership and student membership. Full members receive both Acta Classica and Akroterion annually. Student members receive Akroterion annually and are eligible for various prizes and awards.
Online Membership Form & Payment
Includes the option to settle arrears and give a donation
To become a CASA member, or to renew your membership, select an option below (by clicking ‘purchase’ under the appropriate membership category). The fees shown cover annual membership for 2024. You will also be given the opportunity to give a donation to CASA and to settle any arrears (to settle arrears or to give a donation to CASA without purchasing or renewing membership, please click here).
PDF Membership Form
If you prefer not to pay online using the above method, complete the PDF form (available here) and send it, together with proof of payment (preferably via EFT) to The Treasurer (CASA):