
The Association from time to time announces academic posts, scholarship opportunities, notices of competition deadlines and meetings of CASA. The most recent notices are shown below.

CfP: Classics and Classical Studies Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Indaba

Call for Participation and Proposals
Classics and Classical Studies Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Indaba
The Classical Association of South Africa
The University of the Free State
The 1st Classics Teaching and Learning Indaba
27-28 September 2024
University of the Free State, Bloemfontein

More information:
The organising committee would like to accommodate as many participants as possible. To this end it will accept almost any proposal within the scope of the Indaba from people working in Classics or related fields.

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Future of Classics: Southern Africa

Future of Classics: Southern Africa

Venue: Zoom
Date: March 23 2023, 10.00-11.30am South Africa 16.00-17.30 (Saturday)
Duration: 90 mins
Moderator: Goran Đurđević, Beiwai College
Jo-Marie Claasen, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Obert Mlambo, University of Zimbabwe and Rhodes University, South Africa
Madhlozi Moyo, University of Free State, South Africa
Samantha Masters, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Goran Djurdjevich is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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CFP: 35th Biennial Conference of the Classical Association of South Africa

35th Biennial Conference of the Classical Association of South Africa

Old Age in Antiquity
22 – 26 April 2025
University of KwaZulu-Natal

Confirmed keynotes: William J. Dominik (Otago/Lisboa), Francesco Lupi (Verona), Dudu Musway (Kikwit, DRC)

The Classical Association of South Africa (CASA) invites proposals for papers for its 35th Biennial Conference, to be hosted by the Classics Department at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, 22-26 April 2025.

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CASA Essay Competition Winner

Congratulations to Alessia Del Mistro (UCT) for winning the CASA essay prize with an essay titled: Blurring the Boundaries: Exploring the Interplay of Art and poetry in Moschus’ Europa