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VOLUME 5 (1962)


Rooij, C. A. v. 1962. 'In Memoriam: Professor S. J. H. Steven '. Acta Classica 5: 1-2.


Beyers, E. E. 1962. 'Virgil's Seventh Eclogue -- A Theory of Poetry'. Acta Classica 5: 38-47.

Cipolla, G. 1962. 'Political Audacity and Esotericism in the Ninth Eclogue'. Acta Classica 5: 48-57.

De Kock, E. L. 1962. 'The Peisandros Scholium -- its Sources, Unity and Relationship to Euripides' Chrysippos'. Acta Classica 5: 15-37.

Dilke, O. A. W. 1962. 'The Value of the Puteanus of Statius'. Acta Classica 5: 58-63.

Haarhoff, T. J. 1962. 'Staatswet en Universele Wet in Euripides'. Acta Classica 5: 3-9.

Viljoen, H. G. 1962. 'Notes on Euripides'. Acta Classica 5: 10-14.


Bicknell, P. J. 1962. 'Gaius and the Sea-shells'. Acta Classica 5: 72-74.

De Wet, B. X. 1962. 'A Note on Woodhead's "Thucydides' Portrait of Cleon"'. Acta Classica 5: 64-67.

Farrer, B. P. H. 1962. 'Two Interpretations of Juvenal'. Acta Classica 5: 71.

Forder, M. P. 1962. 'A Note on Plato Euthyphro 15d 6-7'. Acta Classica 5: 68-70.


Boardman, J. and Pope, M. 1961. Greek Vases in Cape Town. (Naudé, C. P. T., Acta Classica. 5: Pp. 79.) [Download full text]

Carney, T. F. 1961. A Biography of Marius. (Naudé, C. P. T., Acta Classica. 5: Pp. 79.) [Download full text]

Davis, S. 1961. The Phaistos Disc and the Eteocretan Inscriptions. (Newton, B. E., Acta Classica. 5: Pp. 75-78.) [Download full text]

Erasmus, H. J. 1962. The Origins of Rome in Historiography from Petrarch to Perizonius. (Hugo, A. M., Acta Classica. 5: Pp. 95-98.) [Download full text]

Hewitt, W. H. and Pope, M. W. M. 1960. Menander: The Angry Old Man. (Baumbach, L., Acta Classica. 5: Pp. 85-86.) [Download full text]

Kriel, D. M. 1961. Vertaling: 'n Simposium. (van Rensburg, J. P. J., Acta Classica. 5: 1962, Pp. 101-103.) [Download full text]

Naudé, C. P. T. 1962. Die Ontstaan van die Romeinse Geskiedskrywing en Die Romanisering van minder ontwikkelde Volkere in die Romeinse Ryk. (Pleket, H. W., Acta Classica. 5: 1962, Pp. 89-92.) [Download full text]

Pope, M. 1962. Saecula Latina. (Smuts, F., Acta Classica. 5: Pp. 87-88.) [Download full text]

Van Rensburg, J. P. J. 1961. 'n Oorsig van die Oud-Griekse Letterkunde. (Viljoen, G. v. N., Acta Classica. 5: Pp. 80-81.) [Download full text]

Van Rensburg, J. P. J. 1961. Sophokles: Antigone. (Conradie, P. J., Acta Classica. 5: Pp. 82-84.) [Download full text]

Van Warmelo, P., Coertze, L. I. and Gonin, H. L. 1961. D.G. van der Keesselii Praelectiones Iuris Hodierni ad Hugonis Grotii Introductionem ad Iurisprudentiam Hollandicam. (Steven, S. J. H., Acta Classica. 5: Pp. 99-100.) [Download full text]