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VOLUME 14 (1971)


Baumbach, L. 1971. 'The Dilemma of the Horns -- an Analysis of the Knossos Mc Tablets'. Acta Classica 14: 1-16.

Dietrich, B. C. 1971. 'New Vases in the Rhodes Museum'. Acta Classica 14: 119-122.

Hayne, L. 1971. 'Lepidus' Role after the Ides of March'. Acta Classica 14: 109-118.

Hofmann, H. 1971. 'Ausgesprochene und unausgesprochene motivische Verwebung im sechsten Metamorphosenbuch Ovids'. Acta Classica 14: 91-108.

Lombard, D. B. 1971. 'New Values in Traditional Forms -- A Study in Menander's Aspis'. Acta Classica 14: 123-146.

Maurach, G. 1971. 'Ein System der Plautushiate'. Acta Classica 14: 37-66.

Patricios, N. N. 1971. 'The Spacial Concepts of the Ancient Greeks'. Acta Classica 14: 17-36.

van Rooy, C. A. 1971. 'Arrangement and Structure of Satires and Horace, Sermones, Book I: Satire 7 as related to Satires 10 and 8'. Acta Classica 14: 67-90.


Baldwin, B. 1971. 'Notes on Hyperbolus'. Acta Classica 14: 151-156.

Bicknell, P. J. 1971. 'Herodotus, Kallimachos and the Bean'. Acta Classica 14: 147-150.


Garnsey, P. 1970. Social Status and Legal Privilege in the Roman Empire. (Dannenbring, R., Acta Classica. 14: Pp. 157-162.) [Download full text]