VOLUME 29 (1986) DEDICATION Matier, K. O. 1986. 'In Memoriam: Sim Whiteley (04.12.1896-14.06.1986)'. Acta Classica 29: 1-2. ARTICLES Barkhuizen, J. H. 1986. 'Narrative Apostrophe in the Kontakia of Romanos the Melodist, with Special Reference to his Hymn "On Judas"'. Acta Classica 29: 19-28. Basson, W. P. 1986. 'Vergil's Camilla: a Paradoxical Character'. Acta Classica 29: 57-68. Bauman, R. A. 1986. 'Rome and the Greeks: Apropos of a Recent Work'. Acta Classica 29: 85-98. Conradie, P. J. 1986. 'Enkele Moderne Benaderings van die Griekse Tragedie'. Acta Classica 29: 3-18. Eck, W. 1986. 'Augustus' administrative Reformen: Pragmatismus oder systematisches Planen?'. Acta Classica 29: 105-120. Evans, R. J. 1986. 'Q. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus'. Acta Classica 29: 99-104. Farron, S. 1986. 'Aeneas' Revenge for Pallas as a Criticism of Aeneas'. Acta Classica 29: 69-84. Jocelyn, H. D. 1986. 'Lucretius, his Copyists and the Horrors of the Underworld'. Acta Classica 29: 43-56. Rankin, E. 1986. 'Geometry Enlivened: Interpreting the Refinements of the Greek Doric Temple'. Acta Classica 29: 29-42. NOTES Baldwin, B. 1986. 'Aristophanes, Frogs 838: the History of a Reading'. Acta Classica 29: 121-122. Mans, M. J. 1986. 'Towards an Interpretation of Propertius 2.22(b).44'. Acta Classica 29: 124-126. Van Ryneveld, L. 1986. 'Lucretius DRN VII - a Note on the Word Order and Imagery'. Acta Classica 29: 123. REPLY TO REVIEW Louw, J. P. 1986. Semantics: A Methodological Reply. (Louw, J. P., Acta Classica. 29: Pp. 127-136.) [Download full text]