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VOLUME 65 (2022)


Wardle, D. 2022. 'John Edward Atkinson (1938-2022)'. [Download full text] Acta Classica 65.

Claassen, J.-M. 2022. 'Pieter Jacobus Conradie (6/2/1931 - 21/11/2021)'. [Download full text] Acta Classica 65.


Flamerie de Lachapelle, G. 2022. 'Cicéron, Tite-Live, et Tacite témoins de la Révolution française dans un centon de l'an VIII (1800)'. Acta Classica 65.

Haskins, S. 2022. 'A crisis of masculinity and violence against women in Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and Clitophon'. Acta Classica 65.

Hockings, T.A.J. 2022. 'Conjectures on Ovid's love poems'. Acta Classica 65.

Kallergi, A. 2022. 'Larger than life: Intertextuality between Callimachean poetry and the second book of the Horatian Epistles'. Acta Classica 65.

Meyer, J.C. 2022. 'Arcessite divum matrem: the homecoming of the Great Mother to Rome'. Acta Classica 65.

Nijs, W. 2022. 'The heights of philosophy: some thoughts on Lucretius DRN 2.7-13'. Acta Classica 65.

Pappa, E. 2022. 'Herakles and the Gorgon in Athenian Black-Figure vase-painting: burlesque or civic theology?' Acta Classica 65.

Schmidt, P.B. 2022. 'Ovidianism and the end of elegy in Maximianus 5' Acta Classica 65.

Vocaturo, L. 2022. 'Orfeo maschera di Apollo: verso una nuova concezione di poesia epica' Acta Classica 65.

Wolny, M. 2022. 'ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ comme equivalent de ŠPṬ Puniques? Probleme du statut d'Hannibal apres 201 av. J.-C.'. Acta Classica 65.


Iriarte, U. 2022. 'Peisistratus in Salamis: Who captured the island?' Acta Classica 65.

Leary, T.J. 2022. 'Two notes on Martial.' Acta Classica 65.

Ullrich, H. 2022. 'Eine Konjektur zu Lucr. 4.545.' Acta Classica 65.

Rajola, M. 2022. 'A further usage of the word homousios in Latin works and translations: lexicographical observations.' Acta Classica 65.


Roth, R. 2022. 'Clans of Roman Italy.' Review of Terrenato, N. 2019. The Early Roman Expansion into Italy: Elite Negotiation and Family Agendas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xx + 327, 43 black-and-white illustrations. ISBN 978-1-108-42267-3. £75.00. (Roth, R. Acta Classica 65) [Download full text]


Gladhill, B. and Myers, M.Y. (edd.) 2020. Walking Through Elysium: Vergil's Underworld and the Poetics of Tradition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pp. 320. 978-1-4875-3264-2. $56.25 (De Villiers, A. Acta Classica 65) [Download full text]

Pimentel, M.C., Lóio, A.M., Simões Rodrigues, N. and Furtado, R. (edd.) 2020. Augustan Papers: New Approaches to the Age of Augustus on the Bimillennium of his Death. Zürich and New York: Olm-Weidmann. Pp. 702. ISBN 978-3-487-15816-7; 978-3-487-15817-4. €156.00 (Goodman, P. Acta Classica 65) [Download full text]

Mann, C. 2021. Palimpsests: Poems Based on the Classics that Speak to the Present. Cape Town: Dryad Press. Pp. 60. ISBN 978-1-990992-26-1. ZAR200. (Ntuli, S. Acta Classica 65) [Download full text]

Henderson, W.J. 2018. Die Geleerde Digter: Antieke Griekse Pastorale en Epigrammatiese Poësie. 3 vols. Pretoria: Imprimatur. Pp. 179, 226, 239. ISBN 978-0-6399219-0-7, 978-0-6399219-1-4, 978-0-6399219-2-1. ZAR600 ea. (Thom, J.C. Acta Classica 65) [Download full text]

Leary, T.J. (tr.) 2021. The Wooden Horse: An English Version of Virgil, Aeneid Book II. Pp. vi + 46. London: PublishNation. ISBN 979-8-507-38028-2. £3.99. (Whitaker, R.A. Acta Classica 65) [Download full text]

Ginelli, F. and Lupi, F. (edd.) 2021. The Continuity of Classical Literature Through Fragmentary Traditions. Trends in Classics Supplementary Volume 105. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. Pp. x + 216. ISBN 978-3-11-070037-4. €92.95. (Wright, M. Acta Classica 65) [Download full text]