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VOLUME 20 (1977)


Gonin, H. L., Rosen K. et al. 1977. 'Caroli P. T. Naudé in honorem'. Acta Classica 20: vii.


Baldwin, B. 1977. 'The Minor Characters in Athenaeus'. Acta Classica 20: 37-48.

Barkhuizen, J. H. 1977. 'Helene by Alkaios en Sappho'. Acta Classica 20: 1-22.

Botha, C. J. 1977. 'Taalkennis 'n Vereiste vir Romeinse Bugerskap?'. Acta Classica 20: 167-180.

Conradie, P. J. 1977. 'The Literary Nature of Greek Myths: A Critical Discussion of G. S. Kirk's Views'. Acta Classica 20: 49-58.

De Wet, B. X. 1977. 'The Electra of Sophocles: A Study in Social Values'. Acta Classica 20: 23-36.

Dietrich, B. C. 1977. 'Aspects of Myth and Religion'. Acta Classica 20: 59-72.

Du Toit, L. A. 1977. 'Tacitus and the Rebellion of Boudicca'. Acta Classica 20: 149-158.

Harrington, D. 1977. 'Dio Cassius as a Military Historian'. Acta Classica 20: 159-166.

Henderson, M. M. 1977. 'The Decree of Themistocles'. Acta Classica 20: 85-104.

Maurach, G. 1977. 'Aratus and Germanicus on Altar and Centaur'. Acta Classica 20: 121-140.

Murgatroyd, P. 1977. 'Tibullus and the Puer Delicatus'. Acta Classica 20: 105-120.

Pauw, D. A. 1977. 'Methods of Character Portrayal in Ammianus Marcellinus'. Acta Classica 20: 181-199.

Pike, D. L. 1977. 'Heracles: The Superman and Personal Relationships'. Acta Classica 20: 73-84.

Van Greunen, B. 1977. 'Seneca's Hercules Furens -- A Myth Renewed'. Acta Classica 20: 141-148.


Farron, S. 1977. 'The Furor and Violentia of Aeneas'. Acta Classica 20: 204-208.

Löfstedt, B. 1977. 'Punire "Toten" und "Peingen"'. Acta Classica 20: 212.

Löfstedt, B. 1977. 'Zum Liber de Miraculis des Johannes Monachus'. Acta Classica 20: 213-215.

Neuberger-Donath, R. 1977. 'Sappho 31.2s'. Acta Classica 20: 199-200.

Storch, R. H. 1977. 'The Author of the De Bello Hispaniensi'. Acta Classica 20: 201-203.

White, R. A. 1977. 'Some Observations on the Text of Valerius of Bierzo'. Acta Classica 20: 209-211.


Kaser, M. 1975. Das römische Privatrecht. Zweiter Abschnitt: Die nachklassischen Entwicklungen. (Dannenbring, R., Acta Classica. 20: 1977, Pp. 221-224.) [Download full text]

Mynors, R. A. B. and Bayer, K. 1969. New Editions of Vergil. (Hofmann, H., Acta Classica. 20: Pp. 215-220.) [Download full text]