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VOLUME 57 (2014)


Lambert, M. 2014. 'On rainbows and butterflies: the Classics, the Humanities, and Africa'. Acta Classica 57: 1-15. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.01


Bosman, P. R. 2014. 'Naphtha and narrative art in Plut. Alex. 35'. Acta Classica 57: 16-29. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.02

Haskins, S. L. 2014. 'Bestial or human lusts? The representation of the matron and her sexuality in Apuleius' Metamorphoses (10.19.3-22.5)'. Acta Classica 57: 30-52. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.03

Karkavelias, N. 2014. 'The chronology of Pisander's mission to Athens revisited: Thucydides 8.53-54'. Acta Classica 57: 53-75. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.04

Kirby-Hirst, M. 2014. 'Philostratus' Heroikos: Protesilaos, Achilles, and Palamedes unite in defence of the Greek world'. Acta Classica 57: 76-104. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.05

Murray, J. 2014. '"These are our jewels": women and classical education at Huguenot College'. Acta Classica 57: 105-126. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.06

Ross, A. 2014. 'Constantius and the sieges of Amida and Nisibis: Ammianus' relationship with Julian's panegyrics'. Acta Classica 57: 127-154. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.07

Russo, F. 2014. 'Rhetorical strategy and juridical subterfuges in Cicero's Pro Tullio'. Acta Classica 57: 155-164. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.08

Walsh, J. 2014. 'The concept of dunasteia in Aristotle and the Macedonian monarchy'. Acta Classica 57: 165-183. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.09

Zakowski, S. 2014. 'The distribution of ἄν in John Chrysostom's homilies Adversus Iudaeos'. Acta Classica 57: 184-224. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.10


Evans, R.J. 2014. 'The capture of Sybaris (510 BC) and the siege of Mantinea: History repeated?'. Acta Classica 57: 225-232. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.11

Futter, D. 2014. 'Socrates' bull sacrifice (Phd. 117b5)'. Acta Classica 57: 233-240. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.12

Hilton, J. L. 2014. 'A new sixth-century reader of Heliodorus' Aethiopica?' Acta Classica 57: 241-245. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.13

Whitaker, R. A. 2014. 'Aimé Césaire and the cyclops of Theocritus Idyll 11'. Acta Classica 57: 246-248. DOI 10.15731/AClass.057.14


Cameron, A. 2014. Byzantine Matters. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. Pp. xviii + 164. ISBN 978-0-691-15763-4. £15.95. (Bell, P.N. Acta Classica 57: 249-252). [Download full text].

Hardwick, L. and Harrison, S. J. edd. 2013. Classics in the Modern World. A Democratic Turn? Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-967392-6. US$160/£90 (Hobden, F. Acta Classica 57: 253-259). [Download full text].

Hutchinson, G. O. 2013. Greek to Latin: Frameworks and Contexts for Intertextuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-967070-3. £90.00. (Geue, T. Acta Classica 57: 260-262). [Download full text].

McConnell, J. 2013. Black Odysseys: The Homeric Odyssey in the African Diaspora since 1939. Classical Presences. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960500-2. £65.00 (Whitaker, R. Acta Classica. 57: 263-266). [Download full text].

Richardson, E. 2013. Classical Victorians: Scholars, Scoundrels and Generals in Pursuit of Antiquity. Classics after Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-02677-3. £55.00. (Hilton, J.L. Acta Classica 57: 267-271). [Download full text].

Vasunia, P. 2013. Classics and Colonial India: Classical Presences. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-920323-9. £85.00. (Umachandran, M. Acta Classica 57: 272-275). [Download full text].

Whitmarsh, T. 2013. Beyond the Second Sophistic: Adventures in Greek Postclassicism. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-52027681-9. US$49.95. (Tagliabue, A. Acta Classica 57: 276-280). [Download full text].