VOLUME 24 (1981) DEDICATION Smuts, F. 1981. 'Henri Louis Gonin: 'n Waardering'. Acta Classica 24: vii-xiii. Van Warmelo, P. 1981. 'Henri Gonin as Regsgeleerde'. Acta Classica 24: xiv-xv. ARTICLES Atkinson, J. E. 1981. 'Macedon and Athenian Politics in the Period 338 to 323 BC'. Acta Classica 24: 37-48. Baldwin, B. 1981. 'Seneca and Petronius'. Acta Classica 24: 132-140. Barkhuizen, J. H. 1981. 'The Plutus of Aristophanes'. Acta Classica 24: 17-22. Conradie, P. J. 1981. 'Contemporary Politics in Greek Tragedy'. Acta Classica 24: A Critical Discussion of Different Approaches. De Wet, B. X. 1981. 'Aspects of Plutarch's Portrayal of Pompey'. Acta Classica 24: 119-132. Farron, S. 1981. 'The Death of Turnus viewed in the Perspective of its Historical Background'. Acta Classica 24: 97-106. Hayne, L. 1981. 'The Condemnation of Sp. Postumius Albinus (Cos. 110)'. Acta Classica 24: 61-70. Huntingford, N. P. C. 1981. 'Ovid Amores 1.5'. Acta Classica 24: 107-118. Katz, B. R. 1981. 'Dolor, Invidia and Misericordia in Sallust'. Acta Classica 24: 71-86. Matier, K. O. 1981. 'Prejudice and the Punica: Silius Italicus -- A Reassessment.' Acta Classica 24: 141-152. Scott, M. 1981. 'Some Greek Terms in Homer suggesting Non-Competitive Attitudes'. Acta Classica 24: 1-16. Todd, R. B. 1981. 'Themistius and the Traditional Interpretation of Aristotle's Theory of Phantasia'. Acta Classica 24: 49-60. Whitaker, R. 1981. 'Apropos of the New Gallus Fragment'. Acta Classica 24: 87-96. NOTES Basson, W. P. 1981. 'A Note on Georgics 2.83-102'. Acta Classica 24: 162-163. Bicknell, P. J. 1981. 'Déjà Vu, Autoscopia, and Antipheron. Notes on Aristotle Memory and Recollection I, 451a 8-12 and Meteorologica III, 4.373b1-10'. Acta Classica 24: 156-159. Garson, R. W. 1981. 'The Use of Paradox in the Amatory Epigrams in the Greek Anthology'. Acta Classica 24: 160-161. Löfstedt, B. 1981. 'Frons "Scham" und "Schamlosigkeit"'. Acta Classica 24: 169. Löfstedt, B. 1981. 'Sprachliches und Quellenkritisches zu Benzo'. Acta Classica 24: 164-168. Rapke, T. T. 1981. 'Agora Ostrakon P. 9945 -- Two Possibilities'. Acta Classica 24: 153-155. REVIEWS Murgatroyd, P. 1980. Tibullus I: A Commentary on the First Book of the Elegies of Albius Tibullus. (Mader, G., Acta Classica. 24: Pp. 175-177.) [Download full text] Van Rooy, C. A. 1980. Antieke Griekse Geskiedenis van die Steentydperk to die Eeu van Perikles. (Hendrickx, B., Acta Classica. 24: Pp. 171-174.) [Download full text]