VOLUME 50 (2007) CHAIRPERSON'S ADDRESS Hilton, J. L. 2007. 'The Influence of Roman Law on the Practice of Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope'. Acta Classica 50: 1-14. ARTICLES Atkinson, J. E. 2007. 'On Judging Alexander: A Matter of Honour'. Acta Classica 50: 15-28. Barkhuizen, J. H. 2007. 'Romanus Melodos, 'On the Massacre of the Innocents'. A Perspective on Ekphrasis as a Method of Patristic Exegesis'. Acta Classica 50: 29-50. Bosman, P. R. 2007. 'King Meets Dog: the Origin of the Meeting between Alexander and Diogenes'. Acta Classica 50: 51-64. Domanski, A. 2007. 'Principles of Early Education in Plato's Laws'. Acta Classica 50: 65-80. Evans, R. J. 2007. 'The Sulpician Law on Debt: Implications for the Political Elite and Broader Ramifications'. Acta Classica 50: 81-94. Henderson, W. J. 2007. 'Foxy or Out-foxed Citizens? Solon, Fr. 11 West (15 Gentili-Prato)'. Acta Classica 50: 95-108. Laes, C. 2007. 'School-teachers in the Roman Empire: A Survey of the Epigraphic Evidence'. Acta Classica 50: 109-128. Lo Presti, R. 2007. 'The Ambiguous Role of Perception: Empiricist Views and Biological Perspectives on Sense Perception among the Hippocratics'. Acta Classica 50: 129-146. NOTE Apthorp, M. J. 2007. 'Symphosius' Mobile Snail'. Acta Classica 50: 147-152. REVIEWS Graverini, W., L. K. and Barchiesi, A. 2006. Il Romanzo classico: forme, testi, problemi. Rome: Carocci. Pp. 247. 0065-1141. Literature, Greek and Latin. (Hilton, J. L., Acta Classica. 50: 2007, Pp. 153-156.) [Download full text] Laes, C. 2006. Kinderen bij de Romeinen. Zes eeuwen dagelijks leven. Leuven: Davidsford. Pp. 343. 0065-1141. History, Roman. (Carina, M., Acta Classica. 50: 2007, Pp. 157-159.) [Download full text] Thom, J. C. 2005. Cleanthes' Hymn to Zeus. Text, Translation and Commentary. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. Pp. 207. 0065-1141. Philosophy, Greek. (Chandler, C. E., Acta Classica. 50: 2007, Pp. 160-161.) [Download full text] Wilkins, J. M. and Hill, S. 2005. Food in the Ancient World. Oxford: Blackwell. Pp. 300. 0065-1141. History, Ancient. (Henderson, W. J., Acta Classica. 50: 2007, Pp. 162-169.) [Download full text]