VOLUME 59 (2016) ARTICLES Acciarino, D. 2016. 'The Renaissance editions of Festus: Fulvio Orsini's version'. Acta Classica 59:1-22. Bentein, K. 2016. 'Διό, διὰ τοῦτο, ὅθεν, τοίνυν, οὖν, or rather asyndeton? Inferential expressions and their social value in Greek official petitions (I-IV AD).' Acta Classica 59:23-51. Claassen, J. M. 2016. 'Seizing the Zeitgeist: Ovid in exile and Augustan political discourse.' Acta Classica 59:52-79. Evans, R. J. 2016. 'Pompey's three consulships: The end of electoral competition in the late Roman republic?' Acta Classica 59:80-100. Goušchin, V. 2016. 'Solon's law on stasis and the rise of Pisistratus in 561/0 BCE'. Acta Classica 59:101-113. Kyriakidis, S. 2016. 'Accounts of single combat in Byzantine historiography in the 10th to 14th centuries.' Acta Classica 59:114-36. Occhipinti, E. 2016. 'Greek or barbarian? Plutarch's portrait of the Greekness of Sicily.' Acta Classica 59:137-56. Perdicoyianni-Paleologou, H. 2016. 'Approche sémantico-pragmatique des emplois de sed chez Plaute.' Acta Classica 59:157-83. MISCELLANEA Bosman, P. R. 2016. 'The "Dodona bronze" revisited.' Acta Classica 59:184-92. Eis, J. D. 2016. 'Confirming an ekkyklēma in Sophocles' Acrisius' Acta Classica 59:193-202. Marsilio, M. 2016. 'Catullus 37: Lesbia, Egnatius, and Roman Mime'. Acta Classica 59:203-14. REVIEWS Bosman P.R. (ed.) 2014. Alexander in Africa. Acta Classica Supplementum V. Pretoria: V&R Printing Works. Pp. xiii + 184. ISSN 0065-1141. US$15.00. (Nudell, J. Acta Classica 59:215-19) [Download full text] De Wet, C.L. 2015. Preaching Bondage: John Chrysostom and the Discourse of Slavery in Early Christianity. Oakland: University of California Press. Pp. xiii +329. ISBN 978-0-520-28621. US$95.00. (Mayer, W. Acta Classica 59:220-24) [Download full text] Kosmin, P. 2014. The Land of the Elephant Kings. Space, Territory and Ideology in the Seleucid Empire. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Pp. xv + 423, 9 maps, 15 figures, 1 appendix. ISBN 978-0-674-72882-0. US$52.50. (McGing, B. Acta Classica 59:224-28) [Download full text ]Parker, L.P.E. (ed.) 2016. Euripides: Iphigeneia in Tauris. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. cvi + 385. ISBN 978-0-19-955009-8. £65.00. (Lloyd, M. Acta Classica 59:228-31) [Download full text] Ross, A.J. 2016. Ammianus' Julian: Narrative and Genre in the Res Gestae. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xviii + 253. ISBN 978-0-19-878495-1. £65.00. (Woods, D. Acta Classica 59:232-36) [Download full text] Török, L. 2014. Herodotus in Nubia. Mnemosyne Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity 368. Leiden and Boston: Brill. Pp. xiv +163. ISBN 978-9-004-26913-2. US$136.00. (Skinner, J. Acta Classica 59:236-40) [Download full text] |