VOLUME 37 (1994) ARTICLES Barceló, P. 1994. 'The Perception of Carthage in Classical Greek Historiography'. Acta Classica 37: 1-15. Heckel, W. 1994. 'Notes on Q. Curtius Rufus' History of Alexander'. Acta Classica 37: 67-78. Kleijwegt, M. 1994. 'Iuvenes and Roman Imperial Society'. Acta Classica 37: 79-102. Levick, B. 1994. 'Popular in the Provinces? Apropos of Tac. Ann. 1.2.2'. Acta Classica 37: 49-66. Motto, A. L. and Clarke, J. R. 1994. 'Seneca on the Vir Ingratus'. Acta Classica 37: 41-48. Thome, G. 1994. 'Die Funktion der Farben bei Horaz'. Acta Classica 37: 15-40. NOTES Barkhuizen, J. H. and Swart, G. J. 1994. 'Basil of Seleucia, Hom. 48.49, 'On the Four-day (dead) Lazarus’: a Critical Note'. Acta Classica 37: 109-110. Cronjé, J. V. 1994. 'A Note on Demosthenes De Corona 6 δικαίως'. Acta Classica 37: 106-108. Henderson, W. J. 1994. 'Alcaeus, fr. 296(a).8 Lobel-Page: Lion or Tyrant?'. Acta Classica 37: 103-105. Leary, T. J. 1994. 'Jews, Fish, Food Laws and the Elder Pliny'. Acta Classica 37: 111-114. REVIEWS Coleman, K., Diggle, J., Hall, J. and Jocelyn, H. 1992. F. R. D. Goodyear: Papers on Latin Literature. (Rapke, T. T., Acta Classica. 37: Pp. 115-117.) [Download full text] Le Roux, L. V. 1993. 'n Stilistiese Analise van die Ad Diognetum. Supplementum 2. (Louw, J. P., Acta Classica. 37: 1994, Pp. 124-128.) [Download full text] Scourfield, J. 1993. Consoling Heliodorus: A Commentary on Jerome Letter 60. (Kleijwegt, M., Acta Classica. 37: Pp. 118-123.) [Download full text]