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VOLUME 66 (2023)


Akhunova, O. 2023. 'Pindar's Pythian 2: the riddle of the epilogue'. Acta Classica 66.

Currie, M. 2023. 'Facing fear in Troades: Hecuba's and Andromache's competing strategies'. Acta Classica 66.

Farron, S. 2023. 'Pietas schmietas: the danger of over-interpreting'. Acta Classica 66.

Ferraces-Rodriguez, 2023. 'Una epistula acéfala restituida a su lugar: el verdadero prefacio (Cristiano) de los Teraupetica'. Acta Classica 66.

Futter, D. 2023. 'Theseus in the labyrinth'. Acta Classica 66.

Gemin, M. 2023. 'Teeteto seduto o volante: Plat. Soph. 263a'. Acta Classica 66.

Hilton, J. 2023. 'Nature and the supernatural: the hereditary allegiance of the Emperor Julian to Helios'. Acta Classica 66.

Mavrogiannis, T. 2023. 'Cyprus and the defensive policy of the Ptolemaic Egypt'. Acta Classica 66.

Roskam, G. 2023. 'Plutarch's demiurgic moralism in his Theseus-Romulus'. Acta Classica 66.


But, E. 2023. '"Don't rock the boat": the politics of eros in Cercidas' fragment 2 (Livrea)'. Acta Classica 66.

Clark, J. 2023. 'Odysseus' entrance at Sophocles Philoctetes 974'. Acta Classica 66.

Heerink, M. 2023. 'Rivers and dragons: a metapoeic reading of Valerius Flaccus' simile in Argonautika 8.90-91 on the basis of Apollonius of Rhodes'. Acta Classica 66.


De Marre, M. and Bhola, R.K. (edd.) 2022. Making and Unmaking Ancient Memory. Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies. London: Routledge. Pp. 324. ISBN 978-0-367-37144-9. ZAR853.24; £36.99; US$45.05. (Gallia, A.B. Acta Classica 66) [Download full text]

Murray, J. and Wardle, D. (edd.) 2021. Reading by Example: Valerius Maximus and the Historiography of Exempla. Leiden: Brill. Pp. 316. ISBN 978-90-04-49940-9. €114.00; US$137.00. (Bloomer, W.M. Acta Classica 66) [Download full text]

Stevenson, T. (ed.) 2022. Polemic in Ancient Historiography, Literature, and Culture. Pretoria: Classical Association of South Africa. Pp. xiv + 326. ISSN 0065-1141; ISBN 978-0-620-98648-9. ZAR490; US$32.00; £24.00. (Baker-Brian, N. Acta Classica 66) [Download full text]