VOLUME 43 (2000) DEDICATION Whitaker, R. 2000. 'In Memoriam: Margaret (Maggie) Rosabel Mezzabotta (17.07.1946-20.02.2000)'. Acta Classica 43: 1-3. ARTICLES Alvares, J. 2000. 'Perspective and Ideal in Chariton's Chaireas and Callirhoe'. Acta Classica 43: 5-14. Atkinson, J. E. 2000. 'Justinian and the Tribulations of Transformation'. Acta Classica 43: 15-32. Cilliers, L. and Retief, F. P. 2000. 'The Sulla Syndrome'. Acta Classica 43: 33-44. Grebe, S. 2000. 'Change and Continuity in Rhetorical Writings'. Acta Classica 43: Aquila Romanus' and Martianus Capella's Treatises on the figurae sententiarum et locutionis. Hunink, V. 2000. 'An Apuleian Parrot (on Apul. F. 12)'. Acta Classica 43: 71-80. Maritz, J. 2000. 'The Classical Image of Africa: The Evidence from Claudian'. Acta Classica 43: 81-100. Newbold, R. F. 2000. 'Non-verbal Communication in Suetonius and the Historia Augusta: Power, Posture and Proxemics'. Acta Classica 43: 101-118. Schneider, M. 2000. 'Sardanapal(l)us: Gleanings from Ancient Assyria in Cicero'. Acta Classica 43: 119-128. Stewart, J. J. 2000. 'The Geographic Definition of ultima from Julius Caesar to Domitian'. Acta Classica 43: 129-138. Tennant, P. M. W. 2000. 'Poets and Poverty: The Case of Martial'. Acta Classica 43: 139-156. NOTES Davidson, J. 2000. 'A Puzzle in Antonius Liberalis 33'. Acta Classica 43: 157-160. Löfstedt, B. 2000. 'Notes on a Latin Poem by Samuel Johnson'. Acta Classica 43: 163-165. Löfstedt, B. 2000. 'On a Latin School Exercise by Samuel Johnson'. Acta Classica 43: 161-162. Saddington, D. B. 2000. '"Honouring" Tiberius on Inscriptions, and in Valerius Maximus - a Note'. Acta Classica 43: 166-172. REVIEWS Atkinson, J. E. 1998. Curzio Rufo: Storie di Alessandro Magno I : Libri III-V.43173. Milan: Arnaldo Mondadori. Pp. 449. 0065-1141. Historiography, Roman. (Heckel, W. and Yardley, J., Acta Classica. 43: 2000, Pp. 173-174.) [Download full text] Wardle, D. 1998. Valerius Maximus: Memorable Deeds and Sayings. Book I, Translated with Introduction and Commentary. (Saddington, D. B., Acta Classica. 43: Pp. 174-180.) [Download full text]