VOLUME 64 (2021) IN MEMORIAM W.J. Henderson, 2021. 'Benjamin Constant E.J.B. Hendrickx.' Acta Classica 64. [Download full text] ARTICLES Ando, C. 2021. 'Religious affiliation and political belonging from Cicero to Theodosius.' Acta Classica 64. Atkinson, J.E. and Hendricks, R. 2021. 'The skull of Philip II of Macedon and the mind of his assassin.' Acta Classica 64. Burstein, S.M. 2021. 'The African encounter with Greece: the case of Kush.' Acta Classica 64. Ferraces-Rodriguez, A. 2021. 'Reutilización de fuentes en recetarios médicos de la antigüedad tardía: Teodoro Prisciano-Teraupetica-Tereoperica.' Acta Classica 64. Gatt, J. 2021. 'Knowing with oneself and knowing with others: the use of ΣΥΝΕΙΔΕΝΑΙ in Antiphon's speeches.' Acta Classica 64. Gatzke, A. 2021. 'Heracles, Alexander, and Hellenistic coinage.' Acta Classica 64. Harissis, H. 2021. 'The Linear B e-qe-ta: a Mycenaean ephebe.' Acta Classica 64. Kavčič, J. 2021. 'A corpus-based approach to the emergence of the verb form ΕΠΟΙΚΑ in ancient epigraphic sources.' Acta Classica 64. Lambert, M. 2021. 'Anthropology, comparative studies, and the Classics: receptions of the "savage" in the metropole and the periphery.' Acta Classica 64. Van Schoor, D. 2021. 'ΚΑΙ ΚΑΤΑΨΕΥΔΟΥ ΚΑΛΩΣ: Wagering on divinity in Euripides' Bacchae.' Acta Classica 64. Zaborowski, R. 2021. 'To what extent was Socrates a moral intellectualist? Revisiting Plato's Protagoras.' Acta Classica 64. MISCELLANEA Coughlan, T. 2021. '"Loosen the cables": Aemilianus AP 9.218 (Gow-Page GP 2).' Acta Classica 64. Leary, T.J. 2021. 'Four notes on Martial.' Acta Classica 64. Murray, J. 2021. 'Further notes on the first Classical Association of South Africa.' Acta Classica 64. Takeshita, T. 2021. 'Symmetrical wordplay in the first Book of Manilius' Astronomica.' Acta Classica 64. REVIEWS Bosman, P.R. (ed.) 2019. Intellectual and Empire in Greco-Roman Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. xx + 221. ISBN 978-1-13-850509-4. £115.00. (Westwood, U. Acta Classica 64) [Download full text] Bracht Branham, R. 2019. Inventing the Novel: Bakhtin and Petronius Face to Face. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xv + 225. ISBN 978-0-19-884126-5. £56.99. (Sharland, S. Acta Classica 64) [Download full text] De Melo, W.D.C. (ed.) 2019. Varro De Lingua Latina: Introduction, Text, Translation and Commentary. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xvi + 1322. ISBN 978-0-19-965973. £262.50/US$340.00. (Kiss, D. Acta Classica 64) [Download full text] Evans, R. (ed.) 2017. Mass and Elite in the Greek and Roman Worlds: From Sparta to Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. xii + 215. ISBN 978-1-4724-6207-7. £130.00. (Roth, R. Acta Classica 64) [Download full text] Lange, C. H. and Vervaet, F. J. (edd.) 2019. The Historiography of Late Republican Civil War. Historiography of Rome and its Empire Series. Leiden: Brill. Pp. xiii + 527. ISBN 978-90-04-37359-4. €130/$156. (Cornwell, H. Acta Classica 64) [Download full text] Omissi, A. and Ross, A.J. (edd.) 2020. Imperial Panegyric from Diocletian to Honorius. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Pp. xi+ 296.ISBN 978-1-78962-110-5. US$120.00. (Flower, R. Acta Classica 64) [Download full text] |