VOLUME 32 (1989) DEDICATION Swanepoel, J. 1989. 'In Memoriam: A. G. P. van der Walt'. Acta Classica 32: 1-2. CHAIRMAN'S ADDRESS Matier, K. O. 1989. 'Hannibal - The Real Hero of the Punica?'. Acta Classica 32: 3-18. ARTICLES Baldwin, B. 1989. 'Some Pleasures of Later Roman Literature: the African Contribution'. Acta Classica 32: 37-58. Bell, B. 1989. 'Roman Literary Attitudes to Foreign Terms and the Carthaginian Sufetes'. Acta Classica 32: 29-36. Leary, T. J. 1989. 'Rhetoric and the Theory of Forms in Plato's Phaedrus'. Acta Classica 32: 19-28. Van Oosten, H. 1989. 'Keiserdatums in Eutropius'. Acta Classica 32: 59-78. Vogel-Weidemann, U. 1989. 'Carthago Delenda est: Aitia and Prophasis'. Acta Classica 32: 79-96. NOTES Barkhuizen, J. H. 1989. 'A Note on Archilochus fr. 13W, 1-2'. Acta Classica 32: 97-98. Evans, R. J. 1989. 'Was M. Caecilius Metellus a Renegade? A Note on Livy, 22.53.5'. Acta Classica 32: 117-122. Farron, S. 1989. 'The Introduction of Characters in the Aeneid'. Acta Classica 32: 107-110. Gerber, D. E. 1989. 'Archilochus fr. 34 West'. Acta Classica 32: 99-102. Le Roux, L. V. 1989. 'Enkele Voorbeelde van τὸ πρέπον (Paslikheid) in Ad Diognetum 2'. Acta Classica 32: 103-106. Löfstedt, B. 1989. 'Zum Collectaneum des Sedulius Scottus'. Acta Classica 32: 111-116.