VOLUME 26 (1983) ARTICLES Barkhuizen, J. H. and Els, H. G. 1983. 'On Sappho, Fr. 16 (L. P.)'. Acta Classica 26: 23-32. Chapman, G. A. H. 1983. 'Aristophanes for All?'. Acta Classica 26: 41-52. Farron, S. 1983. 'The Sentimentality, Romanticism and Emotionalism of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, with Specific Reference to Aeneid 4'. Acta Classica 26: 83-94. Garson, R. W. 1983. 'Observations on Some Recurrent Metaphors in Aeschylus' Oresteia'. Acta Classica 26: 33-40. Gosling, A. 1983. 'A Rather Unusual Old Man. Hegio in Plautus' Captivi'. Acta Classica 26: 53-60. Mader, G. 1983. 'Some Observations on the Senecan Götterdammerung'. Acta Classica 26: 61-72. Matier, K. O. 1983. 'The Poetic Sources of Silius Italicus with Particular Reference to Book Eleven'. Acta Classica 26: 73-82. Roisman, H. 1983. 'Pistos hetairos in the Iliad and the Odyssey'. Acta Classica 26: 15-22. Scott, M. 1983. 'Charis in Homer and the Homeric Hymns'. Acta Classica 26: 1-14. NOTES Baldwin, B. 1983. 'Notes on the Language of Greek Epigrams'. Acta Classica 26: 95-98. Baumbach, L. 1983. 'Quacks Then as Now? An Examination of Medical Practice, Theory and Superstition in Plautus' Menaechmi'. Acta Classica 26: 99-103. Jones, F. 1983. 'Towards an Interpretation of Juvenal Satire II'. Acta Classica 26: 104-108.