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VOLUME 44 (2001)


Saddington, D. B. 2001. 'In Memoriam: Charles P. T. Naudé (17.08.1912-10.08.2001)'. Acta Classica 44: vii-xi.


Mackay, E. A. 2001. 'The Frontal Face and 'You': Narrative Disjunction in Early Greek Poetry and Painting'. Acta Classica 44: 5-34.


Atkinson, J. E. 2001. 'Turning Crises into Drama: The Management of Epidemics in Classical Antiquity'. Acta Classica 44: 35-52.

Francis, C. 2001. 'Telling Tales in the Metamorphoses of Apuleius'. Acta Classica 44: 53-76.

Hilton, J. L. 2001. 'The Dream of Charikles'. Acta Classica 44: 77-86.

Lambert, M. 2001. 'Gender and Religion in Theocritus, Idyll 15 : Prattling Tourists at the Adonia'. Acta Classica 44: 87-104.

Maritz, J. A. 2001. 'The Image of Africa: The Evidence of the Coinage'. Acta Classica 44: 105-126.

Marshall, C. W. 2001. 'The Costume of Hecuba's Attendants'. Acta Classica 44: 127-136.

Mezzabotta, M. R. 2001. 'Ethnoveterinary Treatments in Roman Antiquity: Cato the Elder's Veterinary Remedies'. Acta Classica 44: 137-152.

Nice, A. T. 2001. 'Ennius or Cicero ? The Disreputable Diviners at Cic, De Div. 1.132'. Acta Classica 44: 153-166.

Ogden, D. 2001. 'The Ancient Greek Oracles of the Dead'. Acta Classica 44: 167-196.

Thom, J. C. 2001. 'Cleanthes, Chryssipus and the Pythagorean Golden Verses'. Acta Classica 44: 197-220.

Thomburn, J. P. E. 2001. 'Apollo's Comedy and the Ending of Euripides' Ion'. Acta Classica 44: 221-236.


Löfstedt, B. 2001. 'Notes on a Translation of George Herbert's Latin Poems'. Acta Classica 44: 243-246.

Löfstedt, B. 2001. 'Notes on Latin Comedies by John Foxe'. Acta Classica 44: 237-242.

Wardle, D. 2001. 'Quaestiones Valerianae'. Acta Classica 44: 247-252.


Lloyd, G. E. R. 1999. Magic, Reason and Experience. Studies in the Origins and Development of Greek Science. (Wolmarans, J. L. P., Acta Classica. 44: Pp. 258.)  [Download full text]

Lloyd, G. E. R. 1999. Science, Folklore and Ideology: Studies in the Life Sciences in Ancient Greece. (Wolmarans, J. L. P., Acta Classica. 44: Pp. 257.) [Download full text]

Osbaldeston, T. A. 2000. Dioscorides De Materia medica. A New English Translation, with Introductory Notes. (Cilliers, L., Acta Classica. 44: Pp. 253-256.) [Download full text]